Ferguson Donations from Deaconess Foundation

Program Amount
Ferguson Alternative Spring Break $2,500
Arch City Defenders (Operation Hush or Help) for Bending the Arc National Funder's Briefing $4,700
Honorarium for Dr. Allan Boesak for community meeting on radical reconciliation $1,000
Emerging Wisdom meeting $1,800
Fergson Youth Initiative $2,500
Summer Freedom School at Greater St. Mark church $1,000
The King Center for non-violence training for youth at Riverview Gardens High School $10,000
Support for community organizers Black Souljahs, via Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment Program (MORE) $2,500
MORE general operating support $1,000
Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference youth organizers retreat and training $5,000
SELMA for Students Education Project $12,050
SLU Law Center children and youth advocacy clinic $2,000
St. Louis Crisis Nursery $5,000
The Ethics Project youth summit $1,000
Organization for Black Struggle for Youth Council for Positive Development $45,000
United Way for Ferguson Commission $225,000 from organizations listed below
Missouri Foundation for Health $100,000
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation $100,000
Greater St. Louis Community Foundation $10,000
Daughters of Charity $5,000
Incarnate Word Foundation $5,000
Lutheran Foundation $5,000
Ferguson Youth Organizing Fund $105,000 from organizations listed below
Public Welfare Foundation $75,000
NBA Players Association Foundation $20,000
Casey Family Funds - Kellogg $10,000
#SelmaForStudents Project $37,950 from organizations listed below
United Way of Greater St. Louis $5,000
Ford Foundation $25,000
African American Business Leaders $4,950
Anheuser Busch Companies $2,000
McCormack Baron $1,000
2015 Youth Organizing Grants $120,000
Overall Total: $610,000